
Wow precious little left
Wow precious little left

I have spent far more than my share of time around bears and I know all too well that you never want to invade the space of a bear who has found a major food source like a gutpile. This “gutpile” as it is called, was right off the trail, and would likely attract grizzly or black bears. As usual, he carried out only the edible portions of the animal, leaving some of the bones, hide and organs.

wow precious little left

On one of these trails a neighbor had shot a moose to stock up on a winter’s supply of meat. In September of 2009 I got a call from a neighbor friend who knows which trails I frequently hike with my wife. It’s a funny thing, I am known in several circles as the “Moose carcass guy.” Some even just call me “gutpile.” Let me explain…

wow precious little left

There is a lot of pleasant chat about weather, rare bird sightings, ski conditions, and some people ask me if I have checked my game camera recently. It is a small enough town that when I run errands I must double the estimated time to account for the numerous run-ins with folks I know. When I am not guiding or traveling, you can find me residing in the quirky little fishing village (though some argue it is primarily a drinking village with a fishing problem) of Homer, Alaska. A coastal grizzly drags what is left of the moose hide into the forest

Wow precious little left